Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A little about me

Two years ago I weighed in at 365 lbs and was frankly dieing (by bad habits and a car running head on into my car the previous fall). Starting in October I started to exercise, mostly walking. In the process I have lost over 190 lbs and seeing the world on foot has become one of two passions (the other, ironically, is bread baking). If you see the grey-haired bearded guy with "ski poles" in NE Connecticut honk and wave. Better yet, join me.


  1. That bread we got yesterday was truly amazing, its all gone already =( How did you make it so good?

  2. Zeke -- come bake with us! You can do that with some of your new-found non-soccer time. Not as fun, maybe, but you get to eat the results! -- Phyollis

  3. And while you two bake, I'll work on spelling my name right. Duh!

    -- Phyllis

  4. Haha I'd be glad too, but there is this whole school thing that all conflicts with that too. Its not like I come from a German family who loves bread or anything.

  5. O the soup was pretty awesome too!!

  6. I will be baking at night and on Saturday

  7. Well done David, and thanks for sharing this with us on facebook :D Helen
